
拙著『波瀾万丈の車両』(アルファベータブックス刊)、発売中!! くわしくは、こちらへ

東武鉄道大追跡 カバー.jpg

拙著『東武鉄道大追跡』(アルファベータブックス刊)、2021年2月9日(火曜日)発売!! くわしくは、こちらへ


拙著『大阪の地下鉄大研究』(天夢人刊)、2023年10月3日(火曜日)発売!! くわしくは、こちらへ


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Is Akita Shinkansen 〈 Super Komachi 〉 short-lived? 〔Railroad criticism〕 [鉄道評論]


I already thought that there were many people who knew, but JR East introduced E6 system in time schedule revision of the spring of 2013, and the train pet name was fixed at 〈 Super Komachi 〉. This train drives 4 coming and going a day. 〈 Hayabusa 〉 runs extra at least four coming and going when I add it one more and is that 〈 Hayate 〉 is reduced by just that much.

It is the first time that a train pet name of the Shinkansen gets "a super", and, to be frank, there is not newness. Because I announce it by the English broadcast of the Shinkansen inside of car with "Super Express." However, there is the reason why you must add "a super" to.

Because ,〈 Super Komachi 〉 runs 300km/h between Tohoku Shinkansen Utsunomiya - Morioka, it is because you must match a Shinkansen limited express fare with 〈 Hayabusa 〉.

If, in the time schedule revision of the spring of 2013, 〈 Komachi 〉 of E3 origin is in good health, but increase detailed of the E6 system advances; "the combination of 〈 Komachi 〉 +E2 system 〈 Hayate 〉" of E6 origin is thought" about. That, with some newspapers, I let 〈 Komachi 〉 standardize a train pet name in the spring of 2014 when substitution of E6 origin is completed (〈 Hayate 〉 may become extinct). Probably, in ,〈 Super Komachi 〉, it will become Shinkansen train pet name short-lived in history.

In addition, the shortest-lived train pet name became extinct by Shinkansen in 〈 Max Aoba 〉 of JR East in only three years.

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